Karlsrule Consulting LLC - We transform small businesses into market leaders! www.karlsrule.com


By: Karlsrule Consulting LLC

Deciding to hire a professional business consultant can be a important “first step” in the business development process.

This decision may take a few days, or a few weeks; however once you have decided to move forward with the process, there are a few steps that you should take to ensure that your new business relationship is a successful one.

It is vitally important to establish a good working relationship with your new consultant during that crucial first meeting. In order to help you accomplish this task, Karlsrule Consulting LLC has compiled 5 quick tips that should help you stay on track.

Tip #1:

 Thoroughly research the issue prior to the first meeting, and prepare a written report or presentation summarizing the issue for the consultant.


Sadly, consultants cannot assist you unless you have a clear understanding of the issue. If you are not sure what the issue is, then provide the consultant with as much information as you can.

Always ensure that your senior staff members will be available for this initial meeting to answer questions and provide valuable feedback. It is vital that at least one decision maker be present during this meeting, since you will need to sign contractual agreements, etc. if you chose to move forward with the process.

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